Thursday, October 16, 2008

Revere it, Cherish it, Love it,

So today I went to the Education in Zion exhibit in the JFSB. It was super cool to see how our ancestors started out BYU, or what was then called BYA. I loved reading about the different contributions people made, or the things they had to say when they lived back then. One point that stuck out the most was the segregation that existed throughout the world between church and school. The world believed that you couldn't bring faith into education, because faith was things that couldn't be seen, and education is based on fact. Bringing the two together just didn't make any sense. That is, it didn't make sense to the rest of the world, but to Brigham Young and Karl G. Maeser, it did. I'm really thankful for their determination to do so too. This has brought many blessings to the church and its people through these last generations. One quote that was on the board said that the soul and spirit of the children must develop with proper teaching. They said that this was through education in the hearts and minds. The only way to do this was through secular and nonsecular learning. This learning however only does us good if we revere it, cherish it, and love it. We have to accept it into our lives and use it on a daily basis. When we do this, we will be rewarded in this life and in our eternal lives. :D How cool is that!? Plus learning is fun. So why not do it if we receive those blessings TOO!!!!